I resigned from my job on November 23rd – I don’t hate the place or the people I just didn’t love the work so it was a tough decision to make. Here’s a little tribute to all the Australian Government agencies I have lodged job applications to over the last year. I have applied for no less than 7 jobs in the Public Service – on all occasions I have got an interview, which apparently is a big deal! The application process is convoluted to say the least when you have to write pages addressing selection criteria on things like how you display your personal drive and integrity (for example). For one of these jobs I received a letter saying I was deemed suitable for the role but they didn’t have a role to offer me!!!??? And I’m still waiting on a response to an interview I had in October. Suffice to say I’m not going to work for the Public Service but a small company called Squiz.net – I’m excited!