Dinosaur Designs Reminiscing

Dinosaus Designs Resin products

I have been researching e-commerce shopping carts for a friend who mentioned that she really likes the Dinosaur Designs website. I used to go to University (the same one as the Dinosaur Designs founders) up the road from their Sydney store and a regular Saturday Paddington Bazaar trip wasn’t complete without a visit to their store. I still have a green resin ring that I bought almost 20 years ago and will probably wear it again now that I’m over my corporate phase. Viewing their site made me just a little nostalgic and here’s a few resin pieces that I probably wouldn’t have bought 20 years ago because red is a new thing for me. Clockwise from top left: Drip Drop Vase, Long Dew Servers, Shell Soy Dish, Band Ring.