I know I know, technically black is not a colour as the Jolly Monkey pointed out to me the other day and I couldn’t help but smile and think ‘that’s my boy’. So you will have to grant me a little blog artistic license today. Not surprisingly the colour search on Etsy doesn’t do black and surprisingly the keyword search yielded some interesting results. Here’s what I found:
TOP: Another Empire’s Acrylic Ampersand Brooch. What is it about the ampersand – it’s everywhere at the moment! I do love it but I also thought it was fitting since my next uni subject, which starts next week, is all about fonts.
MIDDLE: Brookish’s Jane Austen Quote Mug. These are so fun! She even has Mr Darcy’s proposal printed on a T-shirt, a must for any Jane Austen fan (like me). This mug just makes me want to sit inside and drink tea.
BOTTOM: Wall Decor’s Vinyl Decal Crystal Chandelier. So here’s where you need to humour me. I could not resist that wall, that chair, that rug! The chandelier is also available in black so it qualifies for my post today.
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