This is a little out of character for me but I feel the need to rant today. Read on if you dare. I want to say there are some beautiful blogs out there, some of which I happily follow and they hold my interest because they showcase creativity both visual and written. I have to say that I’m very tired of ‘mommy blogs’ and I actually find them a little disturbing. Normally I just move on and pay no heed and let each to their own. Then I stumbled across one this week written by a girl with one young child expounding advice on all manner of parenting dilemmas. Is she an expert? As far as I can ascertain… no. Then why does she think she’s right? It’s like the most well meaning relative that starts giving you parenting advice when you’re first pregnant.
There’s another thing about ‘mommy blogs’ that really troubles me, and that’s the need to photograph and publish every waking (and sometimes sleeping) moments of ones child(ren). I wonder at the long term repercussions on said child(ren) of this trend. My very web savvy jolly monkey has been so schooled by us on what it means to give away his personal information online. He can rattle off a list of things that are out of bounds when interacting with others on kids community sites. Why would I then document him to the world? Our boys are the two coolest individuals on the planet – but I’m sure only the cyclist and I think that way. As far as parenting goes, my only advice to expectant parents is trust your instincts. Enough said.
P.S. The author of the blog in question, which I shall not name, also insulted the Australian accent. I’m not sure what made me more mad… I love the Australian accent!
{image via weheartit}
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