A Head Full of Jane Austen

Kersting Girl Embroidering

There, he had learnt to distinguish between the steadiness of principle and the obstinacy of self-will, between the darings of heedlessness and the resolution of a collected mind. There, he had seen every thing to exalt in his estimation the woman he had lost, and there begun to deplore the pride, the folly, the madness of resentment, which had kept him from trying to regain her when thrown in his way.

Jane Austen ~ Persuasion

{Image via Jane Austen’s World}


4 responses to “A Head Full of Jane Austen”

  1. It is a beautiful picture.

    But I think you’ve finally found a place where you and I differ in taste. While I like seeing Jane Austen’s works performed, I am not a huge fan of her writing. Kind of like Shakespeare. Yes, they had incredible things to say and new twists to portray. But they are just too flowery for my tastes.

    And since having read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, I know that this woman shouldn’t be sitting with her back exposed. And where is her musket?

    1. How did I know you were going to say that! Your observation really made me laugh this morning to thank you for that. It would be too much to expect us to agree on everything and sometimes it’s nice to agree to disagree.

  2. Love the picture and the picture within the picture.

  3. […] called Persuasion, is one of my favourite passages from Jane Austen’s Persuasion that I blogged about here a while ago. The font I used is also called Jane Austen from daFont and I turned the passage into […]