Stack of grey knitted blankets

Taking stock :: #1

Stack of grey knitted blankets

The idea for this post comes from the lovely Pip over at Meet me at Mikes. Actually I don’t know Pip at all but anyone who creates such gorgeous blankets and also wears clogs has to be lovely in my books. I saw her taking stock post last week and thought it would be a nice segue back into blogging land and out of silence. I’ve been wrestling with many things lately (not literally) so the last few weeks have been really exhausting. I hate it when I’m even too tired to blog. So here goes:

Making : A quilt that defies all my quilting logic
Cooking : So much soup – winter is finally here
Drinking : Stockholm blend tea from the Tea Centre
Reading: The Happiness Project and Steal Like an Artist
Wanting: A chunky knit blanket
Looking: Forward to some time off
Playing: Handball with my little one
Deciding: Whether I should paint a wall with Idea Paint
Wishing: The weeds would remove themselves from the garden
Enjoying: The cold morning cycle commutes to work
Waiting: For my new iMac to arrive
Liking: The new clear glass in our entryway
Wondering: Where the time has gone
Loving: That uni semester is over for 4 weeks
Pondering: A weekend away with my 3 best girlfriends
Considering: Teaching myself how to crochet so I can make these kitchen cloths
Watching: Lost in Austen – again
Hoping: To start on some new pattern designs
Marvelling: At how much my boys have grown in the last six months
Needing: An overlocker
Smelling: Frangipani
Wearing: My red funkis clogs
Following: Tractor Girl’s surface design posts
Noticing: How much my jolly monkey has improved in maths
Knowing: I need to let go sometimes and that’s OK
Thinking: Of planning a road trip to country Victoria with my boys
Feeling: Relieved that I made it to the end of semester
Admiring: My dear friend Brandi who always helps me gain perspective
Sorting: Through the clutter in the study in preparation for new carpet
Buying: New garage doors
Getting: Ready to redesign my blog using this theme
Bookmarking: Wood block stamps
Disliking: Really bad Canberra drivers
Opening: Pomegranates to make an autumn salad
Giggling: At the boys’ really bad jokes
Feeling: Optimistic after a really bad week
Snacking: On home made ANZAC biscuits
Coveting: This ring from The Silver Forge
Wishing: It were that easy
Helping: A beautiful friend in a difficult situation
Hearing: The wonderful sound of my little one trying to find the perfect Lego piece

The Soft gray image is via Pinterest and it really just makes me want to curl up and be kind to myself.


One response to “Taking stock :: #1”

  1. […] came across my first Taking Stock post only yesterday over here at Libby’s blog – and the trail of breadcrumbs led me back to the original at Meet Me at […]