Category: celebrations

  • Farewell 2009

    As the sun sets I just wanted to say farewell to 2009. I’m not a fan of New Year’s day for a reason that I cannot explain. It’s the same aversion I have to the first page of a book but that doesn’t stop me reading ( I think I may have blogged about this…

  • It’s My Birthday

      We have broken with the Apple tradition this year for my birthday as was the case last year and the year before. Thank you to the Musee d’Orsay for closing down for refurbishments for a year. As a result I have spent this morning having breakfast with my darling husband in the National Botanical…

  • The Silly Season

    The silly season is upon us and moving at lightning speed this year. Our tree is yet to be purchased and even though December 1st has past we tend to do things later in our house. Mostly because we like to buy live trees. We also have a tradition of adding 3 new Christmas decorations…

  • Earth Hour

    Like 73% of Canberra, we joined in Earth Hour on Saturday the 29th of March. My boys absolutely love it. If the truth be told earth hour happens about once a month in our house. They love lighting the candles and playing with the lantern and especially cleaning their teeth by torch light. This is…

  • Turning 40!

    You will notice that I didn’t wish you a Happy New Year yesterday. Not that I don’t want to wish everyone well, because I do, but I really don’t like January 1st. Just as I really don’t like the first page of a book. This post will appear on January 2nd which happens to be…

  • It's My Birthday!

    Here is my birthday present from my family – a (product) red iPod nano, so I can catch up on my TV shows on the way to work on the bus. Well that’s important!Thank you to my beautiful husband, my little boys, all my friends and work colleagues for making me feel so special.