Category: family
The Transformer That Doesn’t
Here’s a picture of the my eldest son holding his Christmas present from Santa. It’s now known in our house as the Transformer that doesn’t transform – this is also how he introduces it to friends and family. For the past 3 months he’s wanted one – so we got recommendations from other parents and…
Meet Team Resolution
This is Team Resolution of which my darling husband is a member. As I write they are making their way home from Jindabyne on Day 3 of the Hartley Cycle Challenge 2007. It’s an amazing feat to ride over 400km in 3 days and I’m so proud of him and his team. His training started…
My Parent’s Garden
Since moving to the small town they now live in, my parents are more avid gardeners. I guess it’s the climate that’s more conducive to things growing. I took this photo while visiting them on the weekend. The one on the right is such a bold colour for a flower and what you can’t see…
Seeing Stars
My boys’ day care centre recently celebrated its 20th Birthday. The boys handed over a dollar in a lucky dip and both came up with these sunglasses. I later learned that they were the only two pairs among the 50 prizes in the barrell! Are they seeing stars or am I?