Category: Web DIY
What experience are you creating?
Many years ago I spent a couple of weeks with a friend in Halifax Canada. He had a very modern apartment overlooking Halifax Harbour and from his living room you could watch the daily happenings on that beautiful expanse of water. The view was captivating for a while but it wasn’t long into my visit…
A maintenance schedule for your WordPress blog
Keeping your blog up to date is an easy job but you have to be consistent and it’s never a good idea to set and forget. It pays to have a maintenance schedule for your WordPress blog. I have had the good fortune to work on many WordPress blogs over the years and I cannot tell…
Thinking about :: colour contrast
I’ve been doing a lot of research this week. I’ve been seeing what trends are emerging in the web world as well as researching colour trends (more on that next week). In my extensive browsing I noticed a trend that is worrying and I wanted to share with you today some tricks for ensuring your…
Web tip :: a word on web fonts
I love web fonts, they have revolutionised what web designers can do with typography in designs. Cufón, Typekit and sIFR have all made our task a little easier and our designs a lot more interesting. Then there’s Google Webfonts who, at last count, have 436 fonts available for use. They’re easy to implement and your…
Mollom :: sorting the ham from the spam
OK, please humour me with this nerdy post but sometimes I can’t help myself. Up until recently and like most self-hosted WordPress bloggers I was using a spam blocking service called Akismet… it’s not bad but I had to extend my spam prevention by also adding a CAPTCHA to my comment box. This worked great…