Tag: canberra
It’s beginning to feel like autumn
This chill is already in the air and the leaves are just starting to turn heralding my favourite time of the year. It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of summer and I get quietly excited when nature reminds me that winter is approaching. The mornings are dark, the fog appears on sunrise, the…
M is for Market :: alphabet walk blog hop
This is my contribution to Piper’s alphabet hop. In case you’re wondering Piper, from One Sydney Road has put together an alphabet hop and today is my turn as the proud owner of the letter M. The idea is you take your letter and go and photograph things that show your interpretation of that letter.…
Sweet William – Digital Art
Look what arrived in my inbox yesterday… a Made It newsletter featuring art, digital and otherwise, available on the site. For those that don’t know Made It is Australia’s answer to Etsy. These gorgeous and affordable prints from Sweet William are so lovely, don’t you think? The houses, top left, was featured in the email…
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mums out there. I spent my morning with a number pinned to me (a first for me), did a short aerobic warm up with 1000 other people and walked a 5km circuit along the shores of Lake Burley Griffin for the Mother’s Day Classic walk or run for breast…
Easter Eggs
This time not the chocolate variety. The boys and I did this little easter craft project last night thanks to a template and instructions from Sidsel of Spagat Blog. You can download the PDF here and don’t forget to get the front and the back for the bunnies. The little one and I went out…
Thursday Lattes
Excuse the quality of this picture, it was taken on my iPhone. Every Thursday the little one and I go to Belconnen Markets to pick up the few things we can’t get at EPIC farmers market. This has been a long standing tradition and our visit always ends in coffee and treats at the organic…