Tag: chocolate

  • eCourses, Blogging Buddies and Chocolate

    Look what arrived in my mailbox yesterday all the way from Amsterdam. So how is it that Dutch chocolate made it’s way to me? I’m glad you asked. I’ve had the pleasure over the last 7 weeks of taking part in the Blogging Your Way eCourse delivered by Holly Becker of Decor8 fame and Leslie…

  • Chocolate Anyone?

    In our house Easter chocolates appear in nests in the garden on Easter Sunday. They build their nests (and ours) and our little men end up with a giant stash of assorted chocolate. It’s the only day of the year that they can have chocolate with breakfast. I think we are now all overloaded on…

  • Mmmm Koko Black

    About two weeks ago after stumbling home from a doctor visit nursing the worst flu I have ever had there was this on my doorstep. The biggest box of Koko Black chocolates I have ever seen. They were a present from my gorgeous friend Mel by way of thanks for finally finishing her website, which…

  • Happy Easter

    Happy Easter! Today is the one day of the year that the boys eat chocolate for breakfast! The easter bunny (who hopped out of bed at 4:18 this morning) left a few tasty treats in the nests we made in the garden yesterday. Not even the rain could deter him! This is a picture of…

  • A New Favourite



    I believe I have found my new favourite chocolate. Every Thursday my youngest and I have an outing together to the local produce market. After buying fruit (mostly) we stop by the organic cafe for a latte (me), babychino (him) and banana bread. Over the last few weeks or maybe months I’ve been sampling their…