Tag: snowflakes
Palette and pattern :: tiny snowflakes
It’s been a while since my last palette and I had forgotton how much I enjoy the process. Inspired by the snowflake image by Kathy I set about to create my palette, I paid a little more attention to what I like to think of as geography in an image. This is how much a…
Flickr three :: tiny snowflakes
My tiny snowflakes are from top: Snowflakes on glove tip by Mel Green, Snowflake by Lambros Roussodimos, Snowflake by Vlasta Juricek
Snowflake scribbles
I’ve been playing around with drawing snowflakes on my Wacom tablet using images of real snowflakes from snow crystals.com as my inspiration. I started out with different brushes, which were a little hard to control but gave interesting results (see below). For these one I used the pen tool in Illustrator to achieve the perfect…
It’s snowing – somewhere in the world
My Mum used to say that she’d often have a colour in her eye – meaning that for a short period of time she was attracted to a single colour. I suffer from the same problem but with me it’s always a pattern and this week it’s been snowflakes – they are everywhere I look!…
Flickr three :: snowflakes
Snowflakes are from top: Snowflakes by Juliancolton2, snow flake by Manjunath Patil, snowflake by mommamia
Snowflake envy
Winter is upon us and while I live in one of the colder parts of Australia it doesn’t get snow (well not very often). I sometimes wish I lived in a snowy part of the world and the few times I have, well… I really loved it. I know some of you reading this probably…