So a new day is dawning my blog world. I have occupied this space for over 2 years now with no other reason than to find inspiration. I read an article somewhere that recommended keeping a blog for just that reason. It would have been so easy to scoff at that advice but instead I took it on board. There’s something about writing about it that makes you see the world a little differently. I have always been a visual person (went to Art school) but this pursuit has made me look at my world as being blog worthy or not blog worthy. Suddenly the little things have meaning.
I have already given my blog a new look and feel and so far I am happy with the result, I sure had fun with Photoshop brushes. I am going back to University this year, just one subject next semester and if it’s alright by you I might keep what and where to myself for a little while. Safe to say it will enhance my creative endeavours (nothing like thinking positively). I’m sure I will let you in on what I’m doing and no doubt when frustration hits and I need some input, advice or just to run an idea by you.
Image via weheartit – reminded me of the song by Paul Kelly – From Little Things Big Things Grow and seemed fitting for my title today.
And my mission this year is to inspire myself and others by showcasing good design, mesmerizing images, my projects, photos and creative journey. Along the way develop a community of friends, so come and join me there’s nothing to lose.