Writing and why I keep a blog

Most of you know I’m returning part time to university this year. In preparation I’m taking what’s called a Study Link course in Writing for University, just to get my head back into academic thinking and writing. So far the course has been great and even though it only started last week I’m close to completing it – let’s hope this level of enthusiasm and organisation will last to graduation (in about 6 years time!). Now I’m working on the final essay (can you tell I’m procrastinating?) about the functions of writing and came across an insightful quote that, to me, gave the reason why I keep a blog. So if anyone asks I will reply “How can I know what I think till I see what I say” – Graham Wallas (1926 – 1979).
I went to iheartit to find a picture but instead took a photo of my little study nook. It’s actually a converted built in wardrobe that I refurbished last year. I love my little space, it’s a great place to work… so back to that essay.


3 responses to “Writing and why I keep a blog”

  1. So true, that quote! Writing actually helps my thinking process catch up with what it's already said (or typed). I love your little nook–so organized!

  2. Yazmin @ A Pretty Rock Avatar
    Yazmin @ A Pretty Rock

    I like that quote. We tend to have so many ideas run through our minds, whose to say we aren't allowing ourselves to be shaped other opinions that we read or hear. I guess we need some sort of marker sometimes to remember what it is that we felt/liked/thought…etc…

  3. Hi Libby ~ very good quote and answer! I love your little work space!

    ahhh, oh my goodness…I just made a current observation on your shelf… 🙂