Can You See Something Ticking?

Do you ever become aware of something e.g. a word, a colour or a concept and then you see and hear it everywhere you go? This is me and striped ticking at the moment. I am seeing it everywhere I look. Is it more prevalent than it used to be or am I just more aware of it? Being the person I am I thought I’d do a Google search for French Ticking and here’s what I found. The eBay store – Antique Vintage European Textiles has the most breathtaking range of truly vintage French ticking… some of the yards are complete with holes and other flaws. I also love the rustic accessories in their product shots. The second I found is The Linen House – based in the UK they source fabric from northern France that is mostly ticking, checks and plains. The also deliver to Australia!


One response to “Can You See Something Ticking?”

  1. I've been thinking about ticking, too! I love ticking! I would love to make some coin purses out of it …and I love ebay, I'm going to go check it out!