Give me the child until seven…

and I will give you the man. This Jesuit motto has been running through my head leading up to my Jolly Monkey’s 7th birthday. Could it be that the person he will become has already been hardwired? Sometimes I find myself watching him and wondering what life has in store for him. This gives me a feeling that can only be described as heartache but not of the fearful kind. Here’s what I know… he has a vast imagination with such detailed stories of events and characters that I can’t believe they are not real. He has a spark that people are drawn to, which gives me comfort that he will survive socially but also fills me with trepidation. He has a strange sense of humour and he giggles uncontrollably when trying to tell a story he thinks funny – mostly he never makes it to the punchline. He loves words and reading and will pull single words out of something you’ve said to him just to know their meaning. Here’s what I also know… he’s the fussiest eater on the planet and I honestly believe every author of fussy eater cookbooks would be challenged by him. He has a quick temper especially when he feels an injustice has been served. Oh and did you notice he’s missing a tooth? We think he may have swallowed it and just so the tooth fairy wouldn’t forget him he made me take a picture of his missing tooth, print it and he put it on his door. He certainly knows how to plan ahead, especially when money is involved… I think the man will be just fine.


One response to “Give me the child until seven…”

  1. Oh, how completely gorgeous! Mine just turned six and i often think of how gorgeous little boys are in their basic little boyness and how their mothers love that but when will it be neccessary for mothers to let go of that a little so they can become men…? (for eg. girls I feel are always striving on their own to be women)…just some thoughts…