I can fully understand why the spectrum of reds is the choice of so many artisans. It’s so rich and inviting and just a little bit solemn – or maybe that’s just my mood today. It was not too long ago that I couldn’t stand the colour red in any form. That had something to do with my school blazer being red and wearing red is a recent development for me. Now I seem to have embraced it with zeal. What about you, are you a fan? Narrowing my choices down to three was very hard, but here’s what I found:
TOP: Sew Sweet Stitches Cranberries and Cream Earrings. I would probably never wear these, but I loved the detail of both the earrings and the photos.
MIDDLE: Carambatack Design’s Peacock Dark Red Print. This is just so lovely and I confess I see the world of print design a little differently since completing my screen printing workshop last weekend. I would love to include this on one of my walls. I love the design, the colour and the paper its printed on.
BOTTOM: Antique Linen Store’s Antique Hemp Linen in Dark French Red. I just love these french fabrics. This one is an upholstery weight and I could see it working perfectly on my dining room chairs.
P.S. – I bought the peacock and one of her beautiful trees.
4 responses to “Colour Me Happy Wednesday :: Dark Red”
Wow, the hemp linen is soooo gorgeous, love it!!
glad you’re joining in on alphabet walk blog hop! Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.
Stopping by from SITS to say hello and wish you a wonderful weekend! 🙂
Those earring are fabulous, but I LOVE the simplicity of the linen. Stopping by from SITS Friday Potluck!
i.love.this.shade.of.red!!! Gorgeous! 🙂 These are three fantastic shops, too! And a store that only sells antique linen…{gasp} heaven! I wish I could afford it! Love the the prints from Carambatack Desgin’s! Yay! I’m glad we’re Alphabet blog hopping together!