
Baba Imambara (Lucknow) India

As part of 52 weeks we have to write about something in the news. This is not exactly in the news but do you ever have that feeling that the universe is trying to tell you something? I had a serendipitous moment a few weeks ago that really had me wondering whether I was being passed a note of karmic proportions. It all started with Wil, who I can boast that I have known for 30 years. She was the very first person I met on my very first day at boarding school and I don’t remember very much from those early weeks but I remember with clarity that moment she first spoke to me. She would probably laugh at the cheesy small talk that left her nervous 12 year old mouth. Last year I sent her birthday greetings and received a harried reply of her giving up work, dealing with the silly season and packing up house for a move to India with her husband and two gorgeous children. They had decided to walk the walk and her husband works in Micro Finance for 3rd world businesses (I think that sums it up). Her most recent email, without exaggeration, made me laugh and made me cry. I am in awe of what she is doing and really don’t know if I could do the same.

In the same week I received an email from an old friend I worked with at Microsoft. He’s now working for a not for profit that runs an orphanage in Tanzania – and wanted advice of the web geek variety. It just started me thinking… am I supposed to be doing something else? When discussing this with the cyclist he asked me where we were going to move to… I’m not sure that’s the answer but surely there’s a lot of good that can be done in my own backyard. Do you volunteer or work for a not for profit? I would love to know.

About the photos: The are both by Wil and used with permission. Here are her explanations:
Top: Bara Imambara (Lucknow) – built by the Imams 3 centuries ago – with a quirky labyrinth winding its way to the roof and this view.

Bottom: Zardozie embroidery work – elaborate, elegant & highly skilled. This is work for MFI clients in Lucknow. Here 2 men begin part of the design and then it is taken to women in villages to finish.


3 responses to “Newsworthy”

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  2. Lovely post, Libby. I used to volunteer at a vet’s office and a pet rescue organization. Since I recently lost my cat Chelsea, I’ve been thinking about how to help other people who have pets with cancer. I would love to be able to sponsor someone to help them with medical needs. Sort of like Kiva, but they don’t have to repay it. ~ One thing that’s been on my mind is to help a local organization here called L.A. Family Housing with their wish list. They help families and adults with emergency housing, job training, and counseling, etc. People can donate items for baskets that are put together as a house warming of sorts for their new life and home! It really hit me hard and made me realize what I take for granted when the top wish list items are for personal care items like toothpaste and soap. Really, there’s no reason why I can’t help a local family with basic necessities.

    1. Libby Avatar

      Hey – thanks for sharing. I’ve also been thinking along the lines of helping with job searching or work skills. I work as a technical trainer/web nerd 3 days a weeks so I am equipped. The cyclist and I sometime dream that if we won the lottery we would give a lot to an animal charity.