A Recent Failure

Bed Quilt Project

I started this quilt before moving and finished it just after we bought our new house. It was a fitting ‘house warming’ present for our new home. One small problem… as good as I like to think my maths is, something went awry in converting this pattern from a small lap quilt to one that would fit a queen bed. It never did sit right and you would think even when laying it out on our bed (above) that I would have figured that out. Regardless I persisted in putting it on our bed and we happily made our bed with this ill fitting quilt for about 6 months. Then one day… the cyclist accidentally put it on the wrong way, and guess what, it fits much better. It did not even occur to me to try this – he’s so clever. Has this ever happened to you?



3 responses to “A Recent Failure”

  1. LOL – Sometimes it just takes a second pair of eyes…

  2. First, great quilt!

    Second, rarely. Usually if he gets something right that I couldn’t figure out, it was completely by accident.

    Glad you figured it out.

  3. I think the story makes it even better! A quilt is on my dream project to-do list. Thanks for the inspiration!