Sweetness and Light :: Gabrielle Kai Photography



Gabrielle Photography

In my quest for light blue inspiration this week I stumbled upon a single photo by Gabrielle Kai. I was going to include that photo (the one with the raspberries) but then decided to save her work for a whole post of it’s own. I’m so enchanted by the sweetness and light in her works. Her subject matter harps back to a not so distant past and the colours she captures just evoke a sense of calm. I would love to be able to take photos like these but I wonder if the Australian light is too harsh to get the same results. Or is it just working with what you’ve got.


2 responses to “Sweetness and Light :: Gabrielle Kai Photography”

  1. Good choice giving these their own focus. Such beautiful composition, from the colors to the arrangements to the framing. Very nice work.

    Just one problem. I’m now craving raspberries.

    Off to see if I have some in the freezer. Have a great weekend.

  2. Thanks so much ~

    It’s definitely working with what you’ve got!