eCourses, Blogging Buddies and Chocolate

Look what arrived in my mailbox yesterday all the way from Amsterdam. So how is it that Dutch chocolate made it’s way to me? I’m glad you asked. I’ve had the pleasure over the last 7 weeks of taking part in the Blogging Your Way eCourse delivered by Holly Becker of Decor8 fame and Leslie from A Creative Mint. They managed to create a community of like minded individuals who have been so supportive and I’ve made some lovely friends. By way of saying thanks I offered my services of the web nerd variety and suggested that if anyone had a nagging technical question then feel free to ask and I would try my best to answer. I received a lot of great questions and I’m happy to say I managed to answer them all and make a few people very happy along the way (which is always nice). One such person is the delightful owner of Fat Fat Sheep (great name right?) who was so happy that she felt compelled to send me a present by way of thanks. Actually she pointed out that the S & T are for Super Thanks. I feel very special. Now I better go hide them from the cyclist who’s a chocolate fiend.


2 responses to “eCourses, Blogging Buddies and Chocolate”

  1. Okay . . . yum!

  2. Hi Libby,
    You are so welcome! Thank YOU for all the great help you have given us!