Christmas and Paper Boat Press

Ceramic ornaments from Paper Boat Press

In our family we have a tradition of buying 3 (yes just 3) new ornaments for our tree each year. As you can imagine our tree has a very eclectic mix of one of a kind ornaments collected over the years. Fortunately this tradition has only been in existence since moving to Canberra so our tree still has room for more. These gorgeous ornaments are from Paper Boat Press – the creation of Brisbane based poet and ceramic artist Kylie Johnson. I absolutely love stars so these instantly appeal to me I really just love the simplicity of them. Do you have any Christmas traditions? I would love to hear them. Since we already have our 3 new ornaments for this year I think I’ll save these for next Christmas.


2 responses to “Christmas and Paper Boat Press”

  1. Those are beautiful!

    We open one (sometimes more) movie on Christmas Eve. The kids get one gift each that night which has something to do with sleeping. Sometimes it’s pjs. Sometimes slippers. This year it’s a fluffy new feather pillow and a new pillowcase. Then they all sleep in the same room and watch the new movie(s). In the morning I baked cinnamon rolls (Rhodes frozen, that I laid out the night before). Also, we always have a fire Christmas morning and burn the wrapping trash as we unwrap. It makes clean up fun.

  2. I love your tradition Miss Robin, especially a present around sleeping. Ours was always church at midnight and then we got to cut the Christmas cake and open one present. I like the idea of a fire at Christmas but in Australia…well.. you get the idea.