Firstly… drum-roll please… this is my 300th post! Can you believe it? I really can’t. What started as an exercise to find my groove and document what’s inspiring me has turned into a truly enjoyable part of my week. Thank you to all those lovely people who leave comments (you know who you are), they mean the world to me.
Now let me see if I can get you to unleash your inner font nerd with this gorgeous book. Called Hyperactivitypography From A to Z, a book created by Studio 3; an in-school design agency run by 3rd year graphic design students at the Westerdals School of Communication in Olso Norway. From the cover it looks like a classic children’s activity book but it’s quickly becoming a great reference for typography nerds, like me.
It’s designed for you to work through exercises to distinguish different font faces, families, faux and true italics… you get the idea. I’m not sure I could bring myself to actually write in it though. The first edition sold out really quickly but a pre-order at Amazon and a few months later I now have a copy. If you’re that way inclined you’ll love it!
One response to “Unleashing the inner font nerd – 300th post”
Congratulations on your 300th post! 🙂 Cheers Libby! I’m looking forward to many many more fabulous observations!