Flickr three :: the blues

The Blue Door

In Blue

Blue in the Dusk

All images via flickr – from top The Blue Door by Ryan Dearth * In Blue by Josep Ma. Rosell * Blue in the Dusk by Daniel Virella


3 responses to “Flickr three :: the blues”

  1. Wow! Seriously, I went back and looked at all of them over and over. They are just so vibrant and powerful.

    I especially love the first one. I just want to walk up and spend time examining those doors. They have so much character.

    Great choices.

  2. This color just makes me feel good. I can’t think of any other way to describe it. So so cool.

  3. i am loving these doors. they remind me of all the beautiful pictures i have seen of greece. i really want to go there one day to see it in person.