Seeing the blues

I’m not a blue person – I think I’ve said that before. So it strikes even me as odd that this was my desktop wallpaper choice for January 2011. Have you seen these? They are courtesy of Smashing Magazine and I think I might submit my own design before the year is out but I especially like the exposed rough plaster next to the brushed metal.

Then I found this:

These ones you can get from Quality Hand Cut Mosaic Tiles by Judy Snow on Etsy. These pieces make me want to create a mosaic or at least find some chipped tea cups and cut them into pieces. And speaking of tea:

Doesn’t this little guy make you feel a little blue? He’s a “cute, sad little owl that thinks its time for tea” by Tabitha Emma Etsy store. On that note I think I’ll go make a cup of tea.

P.S. We are also feeling a little blue this week since the little one lost his bear at the farmers market. Strange to be so attached to a stuffed toy.


One response to “Seeing the blues”

  1. To me, that first one perfectly captures January. I know you’re on the other side of the world, but here it is cold and snowy. That wallpaper has a definite chill to it.

    These pictures are all beautiful. In the stillness of winter kind of way. They work for me.