What says summer to you?

Everything I look at and read at the moment is reminding me that we are in the middle of summer. The snake in the courtyard on Saturday (that was a little bit of drama) reminding me that I live in the bush capital. To be honest I’m not a big fan of summer and my usual mantra is the colder the better but there are some things about summer I just love; mangoes, lychees, nectarines, the beach, the smell of sunscreen, fireworks, alfresco dining, cicadas, salads… just to name a few. What do you love about summer?

About the photo – The Sunbaker by Max Dupain. You may be surprised to learn that this photo was taken in 1937. This photo always speaks to me of hot summer days and I can almost feel the sand between my toes.


3 responses to “What says summer to you?”

  1. I love this photo. I want summer bad, being that it is 20 degrees and white around here.

  2. Reading this from outside of Seattle, Washington is very strange. We are in the clutches of dark winter depression. Good to read there are nectarines ahead.

  3. This is a beautiful photo. This man has got some nice shoulders and arms.

    I’m not big on the beach. Summer for me is about softball and baseball for my kids and evenings on the porch visiting with neighbors.

    And since I live just down the street from Kazzy summer feels like a lifetime away.