Scribbling :: autumn leaves

I’ve been scribbling again with Adobe Ideas for iPad. It’s quite addictive once you get started. I created a palette of 5 colours from the bench in autumn photo – can you believe it? These are exactly the colours it picked. So I started with the top one and they were very strange looking leaves and so moved on to the middle one with a little more blocks of colour. I discovered zooming and rotating and had lots of fun with the new layers feature. Then I tried to turn it into a pattern in Photoshop. It wasn’t very successful but I think it has potential – what do you think?


3 responses to “Scribbling :: autumn leaves”

  1. I think it’s fabulous! 🙂 Are you still working on screenprinting? ohh gee, I think I might have to add an iPad to my ever growing wish list!

  2. Love the colors. 🙂

  3. I like all of them, especially the pattern. You’re so talented!