Brown Trading Company

Like a lot of bloggers I am the recipient of many spam comments and they are easy to spot because they are usually on posts that are quite old, from dodgy websites and sometimes just plain weird. This means I almost ignored the lovely Keren from Brown Trading Company when she left a comment about my love of Bungalow post. Luckily I didn’t ignore it and we exchanged a few emails and she introduced me to her site, while I got to gush about my love of Bungalow. As the Australian distributors for Bungalow home wares I was instantly smitten but she is also Australian distributor for Jessie Steele as well as her own label which is soon to be released.

In Australia it’s hard to find the complete range of Bungalow in any online store and certainly not in Canberra. Since Brown Trading Co is the distributor they have the biggest range all in one place, so stop by there first and then ask your local stockist to order it for you – I always do this to Cherry Seed, my Bungalow stockist and they always order me what I need. Brown Trading Company will soon be offering online ordering but not sure if that’s just for wholesalers – watch this space as I have made her promise to let me know when that happens.


One response to “Brown Trading Company”

  1. Such a beautiful picture you captured. Glad you didn’t miss that comment.

    Don’t you just hate spam?