Lastest collaboration :: Realty Queen TO



This is the second time now I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with Elizabeth from Be Brilliant Design. She is so great to work with and our latest venture was for  Realty Queen TO blog owned by the lovely Aleksandra in Toronto, Canada. Elizabeth created such a gorgeous design and then passed it over to me to do the coding. This involved some blogger wrangling and I really like these projects because Elizabeth challenges me in a good way. The panoramic image of Toronto cityscape was my first hurdle, followed by a little compromise on the background image and that date ribbon! The final result was worth it don’t you think? There is also something very cool about being in Australia, collaborating with a designer in the US for a client in Canada. Now we just have to get Aleksandra blogging.


One response to “Lastest collaboration :: Realty Queen TO”

  1. Very well done! It’s lovely.