Do you ever have a time when you become aware of a thing, or word or colour and then you start seeing it everywhere? Does the awareness mean that you’re just taking notice or is it really everywhere? For me this week it has been the ampersand – I have been seeing them all over the place – and before you say anything they’re not just on my lazy written page. Who is it that thought to decorate with an ampersand? Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love these looks and in the last year I have become such a font nerd (if there is such a thing) – I say why not hang an ampersand from your dining room ceiling. So quirky, what do you think?
My ampersands are, clockwise from top left: Butterfly and ampersand by Worker Design, Ampersand Chandelier by Revival Design, Armchair by the Lisa Barrett at Tango and James – this is probably not for sale but Lisa sometimes incorporates ampersands into her gorgeous projects, Ampersand (&) Typographic Wall Wedding White Literary by Slippin Southern
One response to “Seeing ampersands”
Very cool. Gotta love the ampersand.