Hey friends – how have you been? I’ve been a little silent lately and have decided after a some soul searching to take a break from blogging. I won’t be gone indefinitely but I think I need to step back and find my groove. I seem to have lost it over the last couple of months and in the process I seem to have lost a little bit of myself. It’s so easy to caught up in what’s going on around me professionally and creatively that I find myself running from one thing to another without taking stock to assess – does this ever happen to you?
I’ve been toiling away on a design for my business – Crimson Pear. I’d spent quite a bit of time on it, I’d started cutting it up and coding and then one afternoon I decided it just didn’t please me and if my design is not going to please me then there’s something wrong. The advice from my Jolly Monkey was ‘well Mummy why don’t you look at the pieces you don’t like and change those first’ – he’s eight – when did he get so wise? So I’m going to do just that. I really hope you’ll be here when I get back and I’m sure I won’t be away for too long. We’ve got 3 weeks until we leave for Denmark and then 3 weeks there but who knows, maybe a week is all I need. You know where to find me – leave a comment, a tweet or send me an email. Be safe and see you soon.
p.s. my ‘be back soon sign’ was crafted by me using clipart from Pugly Pixel
3 responses to “Taking a break”
I’ll keep a light on in the window for you. 😉
Thanks Yazmin – I needed that!
I totally understand where you are coming from. Sometimes it just takes time away from it all to get those creative juices flowing again. I’ve had to take a break for a week this summer and it really helped me 🙂