Does ego = success?

In the last few weeks I have found myself saying, out loud I might add, that I wish I had a bigger ego. That’s not really what I mean but I’ve just noticed some people out there seem to gain success by nothing more than over self promotion.

One of the things I love about blogging is getting to know other bloggers, reading their blogs and watching their journey. A few years ago I embarked on a project that was started by a fellow blogger – I’m not going to name names here as I don’t think that’s fair and this is, after all, just my soap box moment. Anyway in the process of this journey I met some awesome people and I continued to follow the blogger that started it all and then I started noticing things. Suddenly she was everywhere, and I mean everywhere I looked. She’s started another blog, a personal site, a new business and a collaboration and along the way started advising others on all manner of topics. She was definitely garnering success (if that’s what monetary gain is) and I wished her well. Somewhere in all that, though, her ego seems to have taken over and that’s what I mean when asking the question does ego equal success? Actually I think it’s the opposite, I think her ego has actually got in the way and now she comes across as slightly superior and condescending. I’ve been watching it build slowly and my breaking point was last week when I read a tweet from her that just made me mad, which is very usual for me (the getting mad bit not the reading of tweets). I hope, for her sake, that she doesn’t lose any more of her valuable audience since they are the reason for her success.

I think an ego (kept in check) definitely helps because it can turn emotional energy into action. You may be truly inspired but what do you do with that energy? Act on it or let it simmer?

To be honest I could probably do with a healthier dose of ego. I definitely have faith in my abilities but I too often dwell on how much I don’t know instead of how much I know. To quote the movie Valiant – ‘ You need to be yay high and you’re not even hey high’. So what to do? Well I think, for me, I need to heart myself a little more, step outside my comfort zone and engage in some shameless self promotion and ask you my friends to keep me in check if my ego gets a little out of control.

P.S. It won’t surprise you then that I’m enjoying the Marketing for Introverts e-course from Brand Camp


6 responses to “Does ego = success?”

  1. I know exactly what you mean, I have often pondered this question and shied away from things if I have to promote myself to much. The Marketing for Introverts e-course sounds interesting can’t wait to hear more.

  2. Interesting post, Libby! I think having an ego is necessary for having whatever perceived success one strives for…to some degree. You’re right, ego can turn emotional energy into action! I love that! Self centered can be good, but it doesn’t always mean self confident. I think it’s a fine line for some people. A “fake it ’till you make it” element can be a good thing for a boost of confidence in the beginning, but I think the self centric ego can take over when there’s a lack of self worth. Ultimately, baaad energy! 😉 I heard a great bit of advice awhile back {paraphrasing} “work from the place you want to be, not from the place you’re at” {Ali Brown!}. Kind of like faking it but with a clear {and confident} intention 🙂 {I’m reading back and I don’t think I”m making sense. lol It’s 2am here, Libby! 🙂 Anyway… Absolutely self-promote away, Libby! Promote from the place you want to be! You have a huge heart and you always come from a place of generosity and support and I don’t believe you’ll ever be one that we’ll have to bring down to earth….but, I have lots of yarn and just know I’ll spin you down if I have to! 😉 x

    1. That’s good advice, I’m writing that one down now. Thanks for the vote of confidence and I do like the idea of being ‘spun’ down to earth – that made me chuckle so thank you for that.

  3. I commend you for totally speaking your mind (and I agree 110%). If the blogger you’re talking about is the one I’m thinking about, I have to agree with what you’ve said (and if it’s not, this post still totally applies). I don’t think I was in that blogger’s target audience to begin with, and one post they did a while ago made me realize I’m never going to be – and that’s okay. A quick delete and unfollow here and there and that negative source of energy was removed from my daily life.

    I sometimes think I could use a bigger ego, too, if for no other reason than to be able to promote myself with enthusiasm. Why is it that I can promote others easily but not my own work? Is that shyness? Reluctance to come off as self-centered?

    1. As always you manage to nail it Brandi. I’m fairly certain we are on the same page but maybe that is an offline conversation. I was not sure about writing this post but it just kept spinning around in my head so I thought I’d put it put there. Thanks for your insight.

  4. Great thoughts. Much to think about.