And speaking of geometrics

Geometric shapes

Uni started back this week – my first week back since last June. I study via distance and they are usually very organised but one subject (I’m only doing 2) has been a bit of a fiasco this week; no lecturer, no material, broken links to readings, no answers to our queries on the subject forum. By Wednesday I was ready to drop the class and try again next time. The multiple calls to Student Services must have worked because they jumped into action on Thursday and I finally got set up and logged in to a new system by Friday morning. So I essentially missed a week and have spent the last 2 days trying to play catch-up, which is not a great start to semester.

On the positive side this subject had us playing around with combinations of primary shapes as preparation for logo design. We had to create 12 in all using just squares, circles and triangles and here are 6 of my efforts. This is probably what I enjoy most about returning to University, it gives me interesting challenges that I would not normally do, like drawing multiple shapes in Illustrator and then playing around with the Pathfinder tool to produce unexpected results. I’m pretty sure I could incorporate some of these in a fabric design, what do you think?


2 responses to “And speaking of geometrics”

  1. I love these, especially the first two. I love seeing what you create.

    1. Thanks Miss Robin – I had a lot of fun with these ones. It’s very therapeutic.