Inspired by :: hand drawn digital fabrics

4 hand drawn fabric swatches

Robert Kauffman Fabrics and Spoonflower have teamed up again with a Fabric 8 contest around the theme of Pen & Ink. With well over 700 submissions they managed to narrow it down to 8 finalists and these are just 4 of them. I have no idea how you would approach such a task but I think the eight finalists are really worthy choices. You can read a little more about each designer over on the Fabric 8 website.

I was really taken by the theme they chose because I think it really highlights a current trend in design (not just fabric design) to bring the truly handmade look into digital design. I have seen this trend emerging over the last couple of years and there are some wonderful designers out there who do this well – I will share some with you in the next week.

It’s made me look at my own designing a little differently and in a couple of weeks. I’m going to embark on a screen printing refresher course at Megalo in a couple of weeks and I want to use the time there to find a way to cross over between screenprinted fabric and digital. I have an idea brewing for my designs that I hope work as well in actuality. I’m looking forward to sharing the process with you.

The four fabrics are clockwise from top left: Butterflygarden by mahoneybee, Watercolor blooms by sberrens, Red poppies by Valley Designs, Water flowers by snowflower


2 responses to “Inspired by :: hand drawn digital fabrics”

  1. These are all so beautiful. I can’t even pick a favorite. They are amazing.

  2. They are all fantastic and goodluck to them all……it’s a fantastic opportunity, but special wishes go to one of our class mates Lucie Duclos (water flowers)