Thinking about :: making connections

Two handcover books, one red and one black flying in a meadow

When I started blogging (almost 5 years ago) I spent a lot of my time in awe of seasoned bloggers; all their followers, the volume of comments on each post and even their posting schedule of 2, 3 or 4 a day. The question for me was how did they do it but it never once occurred to me to ask. Weird right? I held these people up on some kind of pedestal, when in fact they were also just forging their way in a relatively new space. Then something happened – I wrote a post about the work of someone I held in great esteem and I sent her a message to share it with her and she sent me back a beautiful and encouraging reply. I made the connection and it has since inspired me in a couple of ways. Firstly people are generally willing to answer if you ask – try it sometime. Secondly and even more importantly I have a lot to offer.

I made two friends this week – how often do you say that as an adult? I reached out to them and asked them for guidance and offered help in return and they both agreed. It was a knowledge exchange barter. Each connection is quite different but they are mutually beneficial and I’m so happy for taking the plunge and making a suggestion and being rewarded for doing so. I have no doubt that I will be better for it and I am sure that I can benefit them both in some way.

When you sit alone and toil away at your creations or blog it’s quite easy to second guess yourself so that’s why I think these connections are so important. They allow you to learn and grow and empower others. Creating (and even blogging) is not a one way street, it is a dialogue that can only happen through making connections. How have you connected with someone lately? I would love to hear about your experiences.

P.S. The image via flickr is 26-05-10 II The Weight Of All Those Willing Words by Bethan Phillips


11 responses to “Thinking about :: making connections”

  1. I too made a new friend this week 🙂 And it is indeed special. Nice post.

    1. You’re so sweet! And you know I was talking about you.

  2. My connections never stop. In fact, they are growing faster than ever. I have mail swaps lined up, new pen pals the first time since I left college, constant emails, people tweeting to me…the list goes on.

    What is most important to me though is when someone says I have introduced something new to them or have inspired them in some way. Blogging is a great way to do things like this. I am so glad you are noticing changes and that they are all positive. Hey, me and you are a great connection, eh?!

    1. We are a great connection! I’ve loved stopping by your blog this week as I think your work is so inspiring. Thanks for being a connection.

  3. You nailed it, Libby.

    When I burned out a few years ago and stopped blogging, I lost all of those connections. So, when I started blogging again, I made it a priority to connect with the people I “met” through my blog. It’s amazing what friendships can come from a simple email, a single moment of reaching out, isn’t it?

    And the more time that goes on, the more important connecting with people becomes to me. I’m so glad you and I connected!

    1. You know Brandi I don’t recall your burning-out – did we know each other then? It’s so nice to know that you’re not alone. I know I’ve said this before but you’ve become a very big part of my world since my Mum passed away. Your support, encouragement and the way you just ‘get’ me really keeps me going. If I hadn’t said it before – thank you and I too am glad we connected.

  4. making connections is so important! i watch my kids make friends with others so easily… why is it so much harder as an adult?
    when i make a connection i feel like doing my happy dance. life feels lighter and brighter. so glad you have 2 new friends xx
    p.s found you via byw

    1. Hey Leah – thanks for stopping by! Yes I have to say those connections really make me happy – and now we’re connected!

  5. I recently moved to Singapore and took an on-line class from a teacher in Canada – another student in the class was also living in Singapore – less than 5 miles form me – we hooked up for “a coffee date’ and have been hanging out ever since. How crazy is that? A fun post!

    1. That’s very cool. I love how you end up meeting these great people and makes you realise what a small world it is. I’ve met a girl through BYW, who lives a few hours away from me but we’ve already had 2 very long phone chats and she already feels like a familiar good friend. How do you like Singapore?

  6. Beautiful photo. And what a lovely piece. Isn’t this new world of friends magical?