Flickr three :: out of place :: #509B36

Close up of green wood door an rusting handle

Close up of a water drop on a green background

Green grill door against a green wall

Colour swatch #509B36

My first flickr three for the year. Did you know I only missed 3 last year? I’ll try for each week but without putting too much pressure on myself.

This week has been about relaxing with my boys and surviving the heat – oh boy it’s been hot! So my colour choice is a green that would be ‘out of place’ in my garden right now as everything is looking very sad. I must say though this colour is somewhat cooling and those green walls – well I just want to go and press my face against them because I am certain they would feel lovely. What have you been up to?

My flickr finds are from top:

Feel free to leave a message by Jeremy Brooks, green 2 by Zacharie, Awkward guardian by Gal

P.S. – you can also select my colour out of place or #509B36 to see it on my ColourLovers page. Are you a ColourLover? Let’s be friends.


2 responses to “Flickr three :: out of place :: #509B36”

  1. Gorgeous, Libby! What an awesome choice. I’m pretty desperate to see more green, too, because that means winter is almost done. I’m tired of the cold, you know? Where’s spring??

  2. Oh, how much I love this color! Funny. It’s very out of place here, too. Everything here is either white or gray. Quite the winter we’re having. Sorry you’re roasting.
    I think I love the drop the most. I love it when a photographer can capture a moment of life so beautifully. Something so fleeting that is now forever still. Magical.