Inspired by :: Indian block prints

4 images of indian block stamps and indian block printed fabric

Has anyone ever asked you the question – what do you like? Do you find that difficult to answer or define? Working with the lovely Marg over at Red Moon Creative, she posed this exact question to me when she started on a redesign of my logo. That she could make sense of my rambling, circular answer is a testament to her gift for finding meaning and turning it into a beautiful design.

This is a truly wonderful exercise though and I challenge you to ask yourself of your own aesthetic – what do you like? Here’s what I learned about myself, I love things that are flawed (even my Argyle diamond has a giant flaw in it that I wear proudly). I love uneven, organic shapes. I love found objects like seed pods, drift wood and stones. I love irregular. I love handmade. It will come as no surprise then that I love Indian wood block prints. They seem to embody all my loves into one and I am seriously thinking of commissioning artists to create blocks of my own designs. I think the continuous stamping to produce yards of fabric would be very rewarding.

So tell me – what do you like?

My Indian wood block fabric and stamps are all via Etsy:

  1. 1m Autumn Leaves Block Print Fabric from Monsoon Weave Etsy store
  2. Wood Textile Stamp 135 from Ta Ta Indian Wood Stamps Etsy store
  3. Wood Stamp from Ta Ta Indian Wood Stamps Etsy store
  4. 1m Indian Cotton Block Print Fabric: Mayura from Monsoon Weave Etsy store


4 responses to “Inspired by :: Indian block prints”

  1. Margaret Avatar

    awww Libbehhh…thankyou! More fodder for me too! x

  2. I ask myself this question EVERYDAY. It is also a great idea for a post. I love Indian block prints and organic patterns in general. Plus, it makes such a nice mood board!

    1. Haha! That’s why your work is so lovely.

  3. These are wonderful images! I like much of what you like, as you know. But could I tell someone what I like if asked? I’m not sure. I’m going to have to think about it.