I have been thinking about Sweden a lot lately. This is mostly due to a decision we’ve made to return to Denmark next year and finish our holiday. As some of you who read this often, our visit in 2011 was cut short with the sudden passing of my mother. To be honest I have struggled with this for months. It feels somehow wrong to yearn to return, when I remember the reason we couldn’t stay. My family has been nothing but 100% supportive and my lovely husband, instead of grumbling about money, is in agreement and excited to go back.
This time we’ve decided to change our itinerary slightly and start in Stockholm. This decision has made me somewhat attuned to all things Sweden and I seem to gravitate towards the talent in design that comes out of this country, like the illustrations featured above from Angelina Fredriksson and Studioelwa. I love how each of these illustrations achieve so much with so little; contentment, enjoyment, stillness and romance.
Just before we left in 2011 I was talking to the head of design where I am currently studying. He told me to embrace design while I was there and that designers are treated with more respect than here in Australia. He felt in Sweden, where he had also taught, designers were integral to the fabric of life in the same way as a doctor, electrician or office worker. He felt in Australia we tended to place our designers in a ‘corner’ to be called on when needed. I’m not sure I was there long enough to fully understand his meaning so maybe the return trip will give me more insight.
So if you are reading and have any recommendations on where to stay in Stockholm and what to see, let me know.
The illustrations are via Etsy and they are: