Flickr three :: #E3D85D :: condiment

A large cake cute into pieces with yellow icing

A yellow wall with air vents

Close up of the centre of a yellow flower

Colour swatch #E3D85D

This week has been about competing demands, working overtime, doing yoga, teaching myself to knit and handing in my last Uni assignment for the semester. What have you been up to?

My flickr three are from top:
A complex subdivided by Pulpolux!!!, verticals are bigger by miuenski, IMG_4176 by ramon_perez_terrassa

P.S. – you can also select my colour condiment or #E3D85D to see it on my ColourLovers page. Are you a ColourLover? Let’s be friends.


One response to “Flickr three :: #E3D85D :: condiment”

  1. Brandi Avatar

    This color reminds me of my baby blanket – it was a soft, cuddly yellow, and this color, too, helps calm me down. Love this!