For those that know me well, you will understandably be surprised to hear I’ve been engaged lately in trend research. I have never been a dedicated follower of fashion and I oscillate between one of two camps; 1 – that the item I love and cannot live without is also so far out of my budget to be rational or 2 – it simply does not exist. This is why I’ve spent most of my life either making it myself or doing without. This is the girl that made everything for her own wedding!
Having said all that though – I’ve been having a ball with trend research. I’ve been taking a class called the The Sellable Sketch with the gorgeous Michelle (my latest girl crush) over at Pattern Observer. I won’t go into too much detail as I have another post in the works to tell you about it – suffice to say Michelle had us doing trend research. I am not one to shy away from research, after all it is a very large part of my day job. The course came with a 3 month subscription to Stylesight a trend and forecasting website that is an amazing resource for colour, graphic and textiles trends for apparel and furnishings. They publish Megatrends for seasons in the area you might be interested in – I was researching youth for a fabric collection aimed at boys 8 – 14. If you are ever in need of a little shot of inspiration and direction, this is the place to go. To keep all my ideas in one place I could not have done it without Evernote – my most favourite go to app. Have you used it?
The other site that I came to love in the process was the Color Collective. There are quite a few sites out there that create inspiring colour palettes but I just loved her wonderful mix of gorgeous imagery of food, prints and current trends. For me I sometimes struggle to find the perfect colour palette for my patterns and these provide a really good jumping off point.
There was one person in the class who didn’t like this process and thought it was a giant waste of time. I would really love to know what you think. Have you ever done trend research? Do you think it’s important for designers to be aware of forecasting?
5 responses to “Working on :: trend research”
I really know nothing about design and/or trends. It makes sense that researching trends would be important for forcasting, but that’s the best I’ve got. Just logic, no real opinion. But I’m glad you’re enjoying it. And I’m glad it’s helped you find great resources for what you do. You’re so good at it. You add such beauty to the world. I’m glad you have more tools.
The photos you shared with the color palettes are so beautiful. I may not be good at color, but I can appreciate it when it’s done well. These are eye candy.
Thank for stopping by Miss Robin and for your sweet words. I hope all is well with you – I’ve been keeping up with your tangles!
Libby I’m really enjoying these recent posts. Great resources. Would you consider doing a follow up one to the previous post on designing for people with colour blindness issues? That would be so helpful. We’re overdue for a long distance coffee.
Thanks Miss Marg. I’m glad you are enjoying these posts, I have been enjoying putting them together. I like your suggestion and as it happened I had the good fortune to inteview a fellow recently who was colour blind and he had some great insights that I would like to share. We are definitely overdue for a long distance coffee.
I have to confess, I haven’t done much trend research, but I’m thinking I should! These color palettes are just lovely (you know I’m a fan), and yes, I think the savviest designers should be at least aware of the trends out there.
By the way, Evernote is my new favorite thing! I can’t believe I’ve gone so long without using it.