There are many quirks to living in the Nation’s capital. One is that they give directions by building names which is very confusing for newcomers who don’t know one building from another and have to navigate streets that appear to be just one giant roundabout. The other quirk is the ‘canberra moment’ – everyone knows everybody else. As a part time employee and relative newcomer I have never had a ‘canberra moment’ until yesterday. This invite was sent to me by beautiful Lisa of Tango & James and Canberra’s Got Style fame. It’s being held at Misschief Maker owned by Kate (who I have only met once). Kate is a good friend with my gorgeous friend Rach – who owns Mr Mudge. I work with Rach’s husband! I think I can now call myself a Canberran, or should that be an Australian Capital Territorian? Oh and if you are in Canberra come along to the High Tea Event – it should be fun.