Author: Libby
Colour Me Happy Wednesday :: Dark Grey
As you know the Etsy colour searches don’t work at this end of the the colour (or should I say non-colour) spectrum. But the keyword search yielded many gorgeous results. Here’s what I found: TOP: Old New Again’s Handmade Hook Vase. I know it’s technically not my target colour but it was sitting on the…
Face out of Fonts
Things have been a little quiet on my blog front… apologies. I’ve been settling back into normal work hours, fighting a cold and trying to make a start on my first Uni assignment which is due in a couple of weeks. This semester I’m doing Digital Publishing and Typography and part of my first assignment…
Colour Me Happy Wednesday :: Azure
The colour of clear water on a warm day… I can only dream! It was -4 (that’s celcius) and white with frost this morning. My colour search did me proud this morning and here’s what I found: TOP: Jose Lampreia’s A Bit of Red Fine Art Photography. I just love the effects added to the…
A Recent Failure
I started this quilt before moving and finished it just after we bought our new house. It was a fitting ‘house warming’ present for our new home. One small problem… as good as I like to think my maths is, something went awry in converting this pattern from a small lap quilt to one that…
M is for Market :: alphabet walk blog hop
This is my contribution to Piper’s alphabet hop. In case you’re wondering Piper, from One Sydney Road has put together an alphabet hop and today is my turn as the proud owner of the letter M. The idea is you take your letter and go and photograph things that show your interpretation of that letter.…
Colour Me Happy Wednesday :: Sienna
I love brown… all shades. It’s such a rich warm colour and it actually suits me. My Etsy colour search didn’t really work for me and neither did a keyword search for ‘sienna’. I guess it’s more associated with a name than a colour these days (wow I sound old). So my ‘brown’ search yielded…
Bluebirdluxe :: giveaway
The lovely Eileen from bluebirdluxe is holding another of her fabulous giveaways. Up for grabs this time is this book – Kanzashi in Bloom by Diane Gilleland. I’m shamelessly attempting to win this book so why don’t you hop on over and enter to win!