Author: Libby

  • Fun in the Snow

    The family has just returned from taking the boys for a play in the snow. We chose Mt Selwyn snowfields – a lot more family orientated with a great toboggan park. The boys had a lovely time and we wished we could have gone skiing but have chalked that up to next time. Having spent…

  • Rainbow Swirlz

    I discovered this etsy store last year, but it looks like Rainbow Swirlz is either no longer on esty or gone out on their own. Regardless it’s nice to see that I can still buy their whimsical printed t-shirts and bags. I love the owl field bag! I’m also a big fan of the robots!…

  • A Home for my Phone

    I am the first to admit I’m a little too attached to my iPhone. Since I got it last December it has been housed in a small drawstring bag that came with the youngest one’s latest pair of sunglasses. Someone introduced my to Beyzacases who make leather cases for all types of phones and laptops.…

  • My Own Canberra Moment

    There are many quirks to living in the Nation’s capital. One is that they give directions by building names which is very confusing for newcomers who don’t know one building from another and have to navigate streets that appear to be just one giant roundabout. The other quirk is the ‘canberra moment’ – everyone knows…

  • More about fabric

    I am becoming increasingly interested in learning how to print my own fabric. I recently stumbled across some inspiring Australians that are doing some lovely work. The top picture is a fabric pack from the Ink & Spindle online store. They are a group of three textile designers based in Melbourne that hand print their…

  • In Search of a Bag

    I braved the Handmade Upmarket again last weekend and this time my mission was to buy an everyday bag now that I no longer have need for a nappy bag. I found the perfect bag at the moyou stall. Amy from moyou designs and prints her own fabric (top photo), amongst other things – you…

  • Foam Letter Accidental Art

    With a lot of ‘help’ from the boys, we cleaned the foam letters last weekend. We had a real production line going with frames, letters and inserts filling every available space. My darling husband decided they were not drying quickly enough laying flat on the table. So I came outside to find that he had…

  • It’s Autumn

    Actually it’s almost winter but I never tire of autumn. I love the colours and the crisp mornings and warm days. I also love that I now live in a city that shows autumn in all its glory. We have nearly seen out an entire year in our new home and I have enjoyed watching…

  • Happy Mother’s Day!

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the mums out there. I spent my morning with a number pinned to me (a first for me), did a short aerobic warm up with 1000 other people and walked a 5km circuit along the shores of Lake Burley Griffin for the Mother’s Day Classic walk or run for breast…

  • Wish I Was Here

    Wow a long time between posts. Apologies to the 3 or so people who actually read it! I just got this reminder in my inbox of the Modern Economy one day sale – it’s in San Francisco. This sale is the creation of Meg Mateo Ilasco – designer and writer. Go and have a look…