Author: Libby

  • Handmade Market

    Canberra will play host to a Handmade Market next weekend at Albert Hall. These cute bags are by Elrock and are but one of the many talented designers and artisans that will be selling their wares. I stumbled upon these via Canberra’s Got Style blog – one of my favourites. I can only assume by…

  • Peonies

    I absolutely love peonies but I always associate them with completely impossible to achieve interior design spreads in posh country style magazines (which I never buy by the way). When I came under budget in my produce shopping I just had to buy a bunch of these happy flowers from the woman wearing the “Super…

  • Sunday Pounce

    It’s been a slow pounce day today. I hit the Pounce Again button many times before I stumbled upon this little star. I have a thing for stars so they will always catch my eye. This pretty little one is the work of d’Pholk Designs etsy store. Besides the stars there are many other cool…

  • A New Favourite



    I believe I have found my new favourite chocolate. Every Thursday my youngest and I have an outing together to the local produce market. After buying fruit (mostly) we stop by the organic cafe for a latte (me), babychino (him) and banana bread. Over the last few weeks or maybe months I’ve been sampling their…

  • Sunday Pounce

    I seem to have an eye for the whimsical at the moment. It’s quite unusual for the first listing in a pounce to catch my eye, but here it is. This cute little glass pendant is from Designs by Linda Nee etsy store. With Christmas just around the corner, or so advertisers would have us…

  • Graffiti Belly

    Three guesses on what this is a picture of… give up? This is my stomach with cryptic notes written by a surgeon. I had surgery last Tuesday (you don’t need the gory details) and he wrote on my belly just before I went under. I asked him the next day what it meant and he…

  • Sunday Pounce

    So here’s my find from today’s etsy pounce. This little weirdo, named shaina, is courtesy of susarto etsy store. There are many others and I recommend you go and read about them, they have quite the personalities to go with their unique looks. With my dear friend Reneta having a baby about now (labour started…

  • The Unfolding Mystery

    It’s quite strange buying a house in winter when all the shrubs and trees are dormant. It’s been such fun watching the garden bloom and trying to work out what’s what. Here’s three flowers that are currently enjoying Spring. The irises are dotted all over the garden. I have no clue what the centre one…

  • Belated Sunday Pounce

    Due to my night away in Sydney (it’s alright for some) and celebrating 10 years of, I wasn’t able to do my Sunday pounce. So here it is a little belated. This was truly eye catching, and recently sold. These gorgeous bags are by the RaspberryFairy (aka Alice) and are available from her etsy…

  • Sunday Pounce

    So here is my new weekly challenge. I have made no secret of the fact that I love etsy. I also really love their Pounce feature… it really satisfies my love of random (right up there with the iPod shuffle and iTunes new Genius – but more on that later). So each week I’m going…