Author: Libby
Day 4 :: Malissa’s Place
original painting soft pivot in sky blue violets by Malissa’s Place P.S. Happy Birthday to me!
Day 3 :: Jessica Swift
One of a kind Christmas ornament Libby by Jessica Swift (it has my name on it!)
The advent season
I love advent calendars! Ever since I discovered them at around age 8 I have loved the surprise behind each window and the anticipation for the next day. This was also made even more wonderful since my birthday is in December and I treated that day as a special advent birthday present. My Mum made…
Taking a break
Yes, you read right – I’m going to take a little break from blogging. I don’t think I’ll be gone for long but I just need to step out to catch my breath and clear my head. Lately I feel I’ve been very caught up by interwebs and people who expound great theories of success…
It’s a triangle thing
I have gone completely mad for geometrics of late, and to be more specific triangles. I’m sure this isn’t the first time I have expressed this obsession here but I really can’t get them out of my head. Is there a word for that? So in celebration, or just to fuel the geometric fire a…