Category: inspiration

  • Thinking about :: trees and caitlihne illustrations

    Happy New Year friends! Does it feel good to know we are all still here and the Mayans were not right – this time? I’ve started my year thinking of trees – yes really. New Years Eve was spent in the garden of the new house of friends and they seem to have acquired the…

  • Inspired by :: Lizzie Abelson Drawings

    I have a real love of botanical illustrations and when I happened upon the gorgeous work by Lizzie Abelson I had to know more. I contacted Lizzie to see if she’d be fine with a post about her work and, would she answer some questions. She was so agreeable and quick to reply and she…

  • Inspired by :: birch trees

    I really want to blame to the trees for my current malaise, but it’s no more than a head cold. September and October are notoriously windy in Canberra and this assists in spreading tree pollen and fluff. I believe the ‘fluff’ (I don’t know the scientific term so fluff it is) comes from birch trees…

  • Inspired by :: engravings

    I’ve been working on a new theme design and I’m trying to go for vintage and elegant. In the process of researching I have become really taken with vintage engraving images. There is something about the ornateness of them that’s really captivating. In these days of digital design it’s really nice to be reminded of…

  • Inspired by :: Cathrineholm

    My next task at Uni is to create a ‘zine’. If you’re not sure what that is then you are not alone and up until about 2 weeks ago I had no clue either. So now I’m a little more informed I can with authority say that essentially it’s a self published magazine with an…

  • Inspired by :: collage

    Do you want to know what else I suck at? Collage. I have never mastered the random placement of seemingly unrelated images into a unified whole. Yet, I really love collage when it is done well. Do you suppose there is a technique? Or is it just pure talent? Unfortunately for me, creating a collage…

  • Spotlight on :: beau est mien

    I have printing on the brain this week after day 2 of my screen printing workshop – I promise I’ll share the results with you soon but first I really want to share the work of  Magali Dincher from Beau Est Mien. Magali is a self-taught printmaker, teacher, and owner of the creative business Beau…

  • An eye for :: tea towels

    I have just noticed that my tea towels really need replacing as they are close to threadbare. Usually I would go to the local home maker store and buy any old thing but this time I’ve decided to treat myself to a couple from Skinny laMinx. Skinny laMinx is the creative enterprise of South African…

  • Inspired by :: Love Lace

    While the little men were attending a Minecraft Discovery Session last week at the Powerhouse Museum, I treated myself to an hour visiting the Love Lace Exhibition. With a tagline of Make Lace, Not War I had a feeling it was going to appeal. Featuring 130 works by 134 artists from 20 countries, it was…

  • An eye for :: vintage collage

    I’ve been working on a new blog design and it’s not coming together as well as my Akai theme did. I felt like it needed ‘something’ but I couldn’t define what that ‘something’ was. For reasons unknown I had an Alice in Wonderland rabbit image in my mind – weird! So of course I went…