Category: projects
Working on :: crochet
That’s not what you expected from me, is it? I’m not exactly known for my amazing crochet skills but there you have it, I’ve been crocheting like mad, although I wouldn’t call my skills amazing. After being inspired by Bear’s rainbow blanket by The Purl Bee, I’ve been working away on many squares. Did you have…
Memories & new beginnings
Today would have been my mother’s 81st birthday. There is not a day when I don’t think of her with either extreme sadness and loss or with a smile in my heart. I suspect her absence will always be felt and I count my blessings that I had such a person in my life. It…
Being a little :: cushion crazy
I’ve been going a little crazy making cushions lately. The bug began with the one on the top right, remember my Zine that I had to create for a Uni task? Well in celebration of my topic of Scandinavian surface design I thought it would be neat twist to do some stencils from Lotta Jansdotter…
Just Launched :: Rose and Lula blog
It’s been a busy time in my Crimson Pear space lately, which may explain my once a week blogging schedule. I’m so happy to share with you one of the projects I’ve been working on over the last few weeks. This is a design cutup and WordPress implementation for Rose & Lula blog and store…
Snowflake scribbles
I’ve been playing around with drawing snowflakes on my Wacom tablet using images of real snowflakes from snow as my inspiration. I started out with different brushes, which were a little hard to control but gave interesting results (see below). For these one I used the pen tool in Illustrator to achieve the perfect…
How we made an American quilt
Do you remember that movie ‘How to make an American quilt’? It’s from many years ago and starred Winona Ryder. You’re forgiven if you don’t and while the movie was nice enough, for me it inspired my need to create my own American Quilt aka a Baltimore or story quilt. I seem to throw myself…
Before & After Bedside Tables
Ta da! With two long weekends in succession I have been in a DIY frenzy. In a moment of absentmindedness (actually they happen a lot) I forgot the before photo of the chest of drawers but allow me to present the finished bedside tables. What do you think? We bought these in Atlanta when we…
Easter Eggs
This time not the chocolate variety. The boys and I did this little easter craft project last night thanks to a template and instructions from Sidsel of Spagat Blog. You can download the PDF here and don’t forget to get the front and the back for the bunnies. The little one and I went out…
My Work Space
OK… so maybe not the best photo in the world but try and picture it! This was a built-in wardrobe that the woman who owned the house before us had converted it into a sewing nook. I thought it would make a nice space for my computer and persisted for 6 months but the ‘desk’…
Happy New Year!!
I’m just not in the mood for pouncing today so I thought I would share a little of my own home made goodness. Each year I make the boys a Christmas T-shirt ~ again not sure how the tradition started. Usually they entail a completely inappropriate image for Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere ~ think…