A trip to Floriade
We had such a beautiful day for our trip to Floriade last week. In case you don’t know it, it’s the annual spring flower festival that runs for a month over September and October. We missed it last year as we were overseas so it was nice to return again. My Dad came with us…
Remembering :: my mother
It is exactly one year ago that my mother passed away. I know grief is a strange beast but somehow I thought I would be more accepting at the one year anniversary. I’m not. I’ve been told time heals all wounds. It doesn’t. All time gives you is the ability to adapt – it’s like…
Creating a zine
Do you remember way back when I was talking of creating a ‘zine’? I really didn’t know what they were but the brief for this assignment was to create a zine around something you’re interested in that could be used as one is a series. My idea was to create a zine called Surface, that…