Palette and pattern :: tiny snowflakes
It’s been a while since my last palette and I had forgotton how much I enjoy the process. Inspired by the snowflake image by Kathy I set about to create my palette, I paid a little more attention to what I like to think of as geography in an image. This is how much a…
Flickr three :: tiny snowflakes
My tiny snowflakes are from top: Snowflakes on glove tip by Mel Green, Snowflake by Lambros Roussodimos, Snowflake by Vlasta Juricek
Snowflake scribbles
I’ve been playing around with drawing snowflakes on my Wacom tablet using images of real snowflakes from snow crystals.com as my inspiration. I started out with different brushes, which were a little hard to control but gave interesting results (see below). For these one I used the pen tool in Illustrator to achieve the perfect…
It’s snowing – somewhere in the world
My Mum used to say that she’d often have a colour in her eye – meaning that for a short period of time she was attracted to a single colour. I suffer from the same problem but with me it’s always a pattern and this week it’s been snowflakes – they are everywhere I look!…
Decorating the tree
We got our tree yesterday and decorated it in the afternoon. Here is a selection of photos of our decorations that I took while waiting for cookies to bake. We have a rather eclectic mix since we buy 3 new ornaments each year and these are some of my favourites. What about you? Do you…
It’s beginning to feel like Christmas fonts
I’m relatively new to the world of picture fonts, but what a world it is. I know I’ve mentioned a couple of them before but I’ve really just started using them in earnest and I’m about to publish my first free theme that makes use of elements from my current favourite picture font… but more…
It’s my birthday
Yes – it’s my birthday, again! I can’t believe this is now my 5th birthday post, which translates as I can’t believe this blog has been going for 4 years. My birthday posts traditionally have involved technology of the Apple variety but this year is an exception, although technology is still involved. I’m the happy…
Guest post: 8 ways to use graphics in decor
Have you ever had a serendipitous moment, or moments? I came home from Denmark thinking about light fixtures, I buy a great light fixture and blog about it and interwoven into those 3 events is an email exchange with Jessica from Arcadian Lighting offering to write a guest post on using graphics in decor. Well…
How we made an American quilt
Do you remember that movie ‘How to make an American quilt’? It’s from many years ago and starred Winona Ryder. You’re forgiven if you don’t and while the movie was nice enough, for me it inspired my need to create my own American Quilt aka a Baltimore or story quilt. I seem to throw myself…
A few nice pears
I love pears – their taste, their shape and the multitude of colours. Have I said that before? I love their big fat bottoms and the way they never really sit upright – they kind of find a lean of their own like they’re lounging in a sofa after Christmas day lunch. I chose a…