It’s in the stars
I love stars! I really do, especially when they’re red. What’s at the top of a Christmas tree – a star of course. I grew up in the country in a town devoid of city lights and one of our favourite pastimes was to lie in the garden on a moonless night and look and…
A Stylish Blogger Award!
Oh my goodness – what a surprise. My beautiful friend Jess from Brown Paper Bunny has nominated me for a Stylish Blogger Award. I am beyond flattered. So here’s how it works firstly I need to honour Jess. She and I used to work together (at a law firm) and luckily for me we’ve remained…
Setting sail on a blogging break
Hey friends, I just wanted to let you know I’m going to take a short break from blogging. Our family is having some time away together next week. The following week the Little One starts school, which is a momentous occasion and I have an exam. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks. Image…
Time to weigh anchor :: nautical themes
Despite being raised and educated in land lock locations I really like to think of myself as a seafarer. My maternal Grandfather ran away to sea from the UK and ended up in Australia as signal master for Macquarie Lighthouse – Australia’s first lighthouse. My favourite uncle was in the merchant navy and could tie…
Flickr three :: summer
Happy Australia Day – January 26th 2011 All photos via flickr – from top: Australia Day by John White Photos, Summer Storm by Steve Lacy, Dry Agapanthus by Carolyn Elliott
Summer in Australia :: my first treasury
I love Etsy treasuries but this is the first one I have made. Inspired by summer I thought I’d put some imagery to how it makes me feel and so my Summer in Australia treasury was born. Of course I had to include a kangaroo but more so because I have been to Pebbly Beach…
What says summer to you?
Everything I look at and read at the moment is reminding me that we are in the middle of summer. The snake in the courtyard on Saturday (that was a little bit of drama) reminding me that I live in the bush capital. To be honest I’m not a big fan of summer and my…
Flickr three :: the blues
All images via flickr – from top The Blue Door by Ryan Dearth * In Blue by Josep Ma. Rosell * Blue in the Dusk by Daniel Virella
Seeing blues :: design scribbles
I took my desktop wallpaper image and ran it though Adobe Ideas to produce this swatch. The red, by the way, is part of the logo but I kept it in there. I do like the combination with the red, it brings to mind Ralph Lauren ads – I’m not sure why that is. Since…
Seeing the blues
I’m not a blue person – I think I’ve said that before. So it strikes even me as odd that this was my desktop wallpaper choice for January 2011. Have you seen these? They are courtesy of Smashing Magazine and I think I might submit my own design before the year is out but I…